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December 2019 Edition

Artist Focus

Cheryl Elmo

A focus on the art of Cheryl Elmo.

Cheryl Elmo says, “A fellow artist once told me that I have found a way to make happy accidents my overall style. My career with watercolors has been shaped by the complexities of emotional response and the development of relationships using everyday situations.”Matsuri Chan, watercolor, 16 x 20"

Through years of developing her unique style, Elmo continues to capture figural expression using watercolor and casein. “Developing the skills to listen and observe became a window into everyday moments of varying cultures,” she says. “Enthusiasm to observe is basic to attain a human connection that I strive to capture within each painting. This experience is where I observe differences in an act of appreciation and one of slight hesitation.”City of Angels, casein, 36 x 48"Elmo’s style and application of watercolor gives the medium a unique visual quality with a focus on everyday stories. With a balance of fluidity and structure, these elements become key to the design and communication of a subtle message in each painting. Her unique approach to watercolor has evolved over the course of her life as a painter. “I am influenced by people in their momentary emotional interactions and challenged to tell an interpretation of their stories,” says Elmo. “Figures in my stories are anonymous yet familiar, where I observe a moment and work to develop that observation.”Study of Light, watercolor, 24 x 18"She is a member of the Salmagundi Club, a signature member of the Pennsylvania and Baltimore watercolor societies, and her artwork has shown nationally and internationally. —

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