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November 2022 Edition

Artist Focus

Artist Focus: Emma Kalff

A closer look at the artwork of Emma Kalff

Emma Kalff’s work investigates emotion and the fallible act of remembering. Within each painting she layers multiple scenes together to create a surreal, dream-like feeling. She is a classically-trained oil painter who strives to work with her head, hands, and heart.Every Year the World Breaks Your Heart, oil on wood panel, 12 x 14"

Some Superstitions, oil on wood panel, 24 x 48"

Kalff now paints mainly in the studio, but spent several years working en plein air. In 2018, she traveled across the U.S. in her car, and created a series of paintings from what she saw along the way. She worked on farms during the day and in the evenings painted her surroundings. This body of work landed her a first solo show at Telluride Arts Headquarters in Telluride, Colorado. Additional recognition followed and, in 2022, Kalff was featured in Southwest Art magazine’s “21 Under 31: Young Artists to Collect Now.” She studied under Auseklis Ozols at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts and is based in Colorado.—

Want to See More?
(484) 886-8561
Represented by 33 Contemporary Gallery
1029 W. 35th Street | Chicago, IL 60609
(708) 837-4534
Instagram: @emma.kalff

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