In Laura Fantini’s work, each modest and minimalist image is rendered in the hyperrealism tradition, and applied in compositions that are intimate, symbolic and ultimately, intensely dramatic.

Hope (46), Golden Rain Tree/Koelreuteria Paniculate, colored pencil on illustration board, 16 x 16"
Fantini’s ongoing Hope series, which currently includes more than 50 archivally framed drawings of seeds and seed pods collected throughout New York State, Colorado, Massachusetts and Italy, are meant to evoke the power of seeds to represent new beginnings—an optimistic message that calls forth a universal message of survival and rebirth. Each of her drawings reinforces her plea that the plant will grow and thrive through the life of its seed. The respect and admiration for nature, the combination of feminist and ecological concerns and the hope for the future of our world all play a fundamental role in her series. Fantini states, “The deep-rooted hope is for the next generation.”

Hope (47), Sweetbay Magnolia/Magnolia Virginiana, colored pencil on illustration board, 16 x 16"
For Fantini, the role of seeds is extraordinary and magnificent and an integral part of all planetary life—a point that Fantini’s keen scrutiny and impressive skills amplify in a precious homage to life itself. —
Want to See More?
Represented by Miller White Fine Arts
708 Route 134 | South Dennis, MA 02660
(508) 360-4302 |
Facebook: /LauraFantiniArt
Instagram: @laurafantiniart
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