Jackie Liu is a 20-year-old figurative artist from the Boston area studying art practice and philosophy at Stanford University. She never took formal art classes before college, but always loved creating from a young age, teaching herself to draw and paint through YouTube tutorials, and ample trial and error. However, as academics began to take priority in high school, she almost stopped making art entirely. But during the pandemic, with unprecedented time on her hands, she spent her quarantine reconnecting with her love for painting.

Epperson Gallery, Sanctuary, acrylic on canvas, 36 x 48" by Jackie Liu.
She began posting her art on social media, marrying her paintings with spoken-word storytelling and video, eventually amassing over one million followers on TikTok. Jackie’s oil and acrylic paintings are intimate memoir-like vignettes, traversing themes of trauma, identity and resilience. By articulating and sharing her own stories, she aims to celebrate vulnerability, foster communion and invite conversation around stigmatized facets of the human experience. Visually articulating topics ranging from abuse to mental illness to racial identity, her unabashed openness serves as a means of reclaiming agency and strength.

Epperson Gallery, Wishful Thinking, oil on canvas, 48 x 36", by Jackie Liu.
For Liu, creating art serves as a means of catharsis and emotional processing—a means of giving voice to the unspeakable. She ultimately hopes that through her art, she can make others feel less alone. —
Want to See More?
Represented by Epperson Gallery
1400 Pomona Street, Crockett CA, 94525
(510) 787-2925 | www.eppersongallery.com
Instagram: @jackieliuart
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