January 2024 Edition

Artist Focus

Artist Focus: Barbara Schilling

For more than 35 years, Barbara Schilling did art restoration work on other artists’ paintings. “I did some of my own when I could but it was hard to find the time,” says Schilling. “I retired from restoration about five years ago and was finally able to focus on painting.”

Schilling studied the work of contemporary masters and took workshops from several of today’s top artists. “Their generous sharing of knowledge was so critical to me,” she says. “Learning the skills to create good art is the cornerstone of a successful painting.”

Damaged but not Destroyed, oil, 20 x 20"

However, the day came when Schilling realized she didn’t wish to paint like anyone else. “I wanted to find my personal voice,” she says. “I felt the best way to accomplish that was by allowing myself the freedom to experiment and explore. I discovered it was the energy within a painting that I was most interested in.”

For the first time, Schilling felt like she truly understood what Van Gogh was trying to achieve in his emotionally charged works. Since then, her work has become more expressionistic, with bolder brushwork and colors. “I love the tactile feel of pushing thick paint around and using broken color,” says Schilling. “I  have moved away from a more literal translation of my subject to a more emotional response. I believe very strongly that an artist needs to always keep growing and challenging themselves.”

Sunlight Ahead, oil, 20 x 20"

While her work is still representational, it is more about the textures, the colors and the energy than before. She spent several years painting exclusively from life, but now prefers the more relaxed atmosphere of the studio. Although she does use her own photo references, she is “not a slave to following them” and much of her work comes from her imagination. The photos are simply a jumping-off point.

Resilient Beauty, oil, 20 x 20"

“My paintings are an emotional reflection of my connection to nature, Schilling says. “Often my subject or composition has an underlying message. I try to recognize what it is within myself that draws me to paint a certain subject and then use color, composition and brushwork to back up that story or idea.” —

Want to See More?
(616) 340-6737  |  www.barbaraschilling.com
Instagram: @barbaraschilling7205
Facebook: /schillingbarb

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