March 2024 Edition

Artist Focus

Artist Focus: Bert Liverance

Award-winning artist Bert Liverance creates true-to-life botanical renderings and plant portraits. Liverance’s hyperrealism technique resulted from early sculpting skills combined with understanding the importance of the direction of light to make a two-dimensional image appear three-dimensional. “Flowers are one of the few subjects where the light can shine on them or through them,” he says. “Water is another one. That makes them fun to paint and I like the challenge.”

Hula Girls, oil on canvas, 48 x 36"

Capturing and preserving the grace and temporal nature of flowers is Liverance’s passion. “Each painting is a celebration of one of nature’s most delicate and resilient gifts,” he says. “I realized that flowers encompass the whole spectrum of the rainbow. There are so many flowers in North America alone that I could paint a different flower every day of my life and still wouldn’t paint all of them.” Bold compositions and vibrant colors round out his trademark style.

Ottawa Maidens, oil on canvas, 36 x 48"

Liverance has been recognized by the McMichael Canadian Art Gallery, Botanical Artists of Canada, the American Society of Botanical Artists, the Southern Ontario Orchid Society and the Royal Botanical Gardens Orchid Society. He has also designed floral coins for the Royal Canadian Mint.

Nevisian Snowflake, oil on canvas, 30 x 40"

Liverance paints in his private studios in Goodwood and Georgian Bay in Ontario, Canada. He a member of the American Society of Botanical Artists and Uxbridge Studio Tour.

Liverance will be participating in the Uxbridge Studio Tour, which takes place in Uxbridge, Ontario, on September 21 and 22. —

Want to See More?
(905) 424-8551 |
Instagram: @bert_liverance

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