August 2024 Edition

Artist Focus

Artist Focus: Lisa Kovvuri

When Lisa Kovvuri was in high school, she had the rare opportunity to travel to Egypt with a group led by her ancient history teacher. “The journey abroad to a foreign land opened my eyes to things I had never imagined before,” says Kovvuri. “I was enamored with the culture and people, but more importantly with the realization that I could look at the world and at life in new ways, through the eyes of others who have experienced life differently. The desire to continue learning in this way, to understand and share the experiences of others has shaped the way I live my life and pursue my career, and is the catalyst and inspiration for my portraits.

Summer’s Autumn, oil on wood, 16 x 20"

“I want to create a place where viewers can meet my subjects and engage without barriers, get up close and personal, and recognize something familiar,” she continues. “I like to paint people I don’t normally encounter in my usual circles, people I can learn something from. Painting [my subjects] bridges a gap for me and fosters empathy. I try to render my portraits with great sensitivity and an intimate degree of detail, while avoiding anything extraneous that may detract from the emotional impact of their human presence.

Passing Hours, oil on wood, 12 x 18"


Elements, oil on aluminum, 24 x 20"

“I think everyone has a story within their soul, a moving or inspiring experience worth sharing and inhabiting a work of art, by the simple virtue of being human,” she adds. “It’s through striving to understand and appreciate others that we better understand ourselves. Through my portraits I hope to capture and share these stories, to remind people of our connections and of our shared humanity.” —

Want to See More?
(603) 397-0703 |
Represented by ArtNova Gallery
463 Main Street | Chatham, MA 02633 (508) 469-9222
Facebook: /Lisa Kovvuri
Instagram: @lisakovvuri 

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