October 2024 Edition

Artist Focus

Artist Focus: Katie Dobson Cundiff

“I prefer painting en plein air and being outside and present with my subject,” says Katie Dobson Cundiff, adding that she feels painting from life “produces honest paintings that are themselves full of life.” The artist is most inspired by old boats, barns, farms, gardens and villages in a world where they seem to be disappearing. “Whether painting in plein air or in the studio, I try to capture the essence of my subjects to express a moment or sense of place. I consider myself to be a 'shape painter' and look at a scene as an abstract arrangement of shapes rather than identifying ‘things.’” 

On the Nest, oil on canvas, 28 x 22"

These contrasting shapes of light and shadow are what Cundiff finds most exciting. She frequently begins by drawing a four-value thumbnail sketch, or painting a color study in gouache. “This helps me establish the ‘what, why and how’ of I want to paint,” the artist explains. Once that’s clear, Cundiff uses a large brush to lay in darks with thin, transparent paint, or may tone the panel and wipe out the lighter shapes. Sometimes she may use thin washes of color for the different shapes. 

Still Life with Cotton, oil on canvas, 30 x 24"

“I am always working to develop my eye and skills as a painter,” she says. “I enjoy trying different approaches and techniques, and while I may start with a clear image in my mind of how I want a painting to look, I will allow myself to ‘let go.’ I savor the moments when the painting takes control and I find myself engulfed in the creative process. It is important to allow yourself to experiment, make a mess, figure out how to clean it up and discover something new.”

Mooring Reflections, oil on canvas, 18 x 24”

Cundiff’s work will be featured in the San Angelo Museum of Fine Art’s En Plein Art Texas Ranch Fellowship Exhibition Show & Sale on Saturday, October 26 from noon to 8 p.m. at Fort Concho Stables in San Angelo, Texas.  Visit ww.samfa.org/en-plein-air for details. —

Want to See More?
Represented by Crown Gallery
1153 Main Street, Blowing Rock, NC 28605  
(828) 818-0008 | www.crowngalleryusa.com
Facebook: /Dobson Cundiff Studio
Instagram: @katiedobsoncundiff

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