March 2025 Edition

Artist Focus

Artist Focus: Peter Swift

Peter Swift’s work combines two distinct elements: classical realistic still life painting and symmetrical design. He has coined the phrase “Symmetrical Realism” to describe this type of work. 

Swift uses everyday objects to create these symmetrical still life paintings. 

Eight Wrenches, acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48"

His biggest influences have been Louise Nevelson, Martin Puryear and Andy Goldsworthy. Following in the footsteps of these iconic artists, his goal is to use common objects—ones that we use everyday but barely notice—to create laconic, resonant symmetries.

Symmetry is a fundamental, underlying principle in art. However, over the past century, symmetry has been a factor, for the most part, only in abstract art, such as the work of Josef Albers and Frank Stella. Swift’s work combines both symmetry and realistic rendering, along with imagination and meticulous craftsmanship.

Rusty Wood Screws, acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48"

More of Swift’s work can be seen at the Seven Bridges Foundation in Greenwich, Connecticut, or by visiting the organization’s website at—

Want to See More? 

Represented by Touchstone Gallery
901 New York Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 682-4125 |
Facebook:  /peter.swift.563    
Instagram: @peter_swift_art  

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