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Day Lily

Day Lily

Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
11 x 14 inches (L x W)

Dimming of the Day

Dimming of the Day

Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
16 x 20 inches (L x W)



Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
16 x 20 inches (L x W)

Flat Land

Flat Land

Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
16 x 20 inches (L x W)

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera Daisy

Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
11 x 14 inches (L x W)

Just Before the Stars Come Out

Just Before the Stars Come Out

Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
16 x 20 inches (L x W)



Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
11 x 14 inches (L x W)

Shining Bright Just Before Night

Shining Bright Just Before Night

Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
16 x 20 inches (L x W)

Sunflower Welcome

Sunflower Welcome

Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
11 x 14 inches (L x W)



Sally Ruddy
Oil on Canvas
16 x 20 inches (L x W)