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Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Monique Carr
Oil on Panel
12 x 24 inches (L x W)



Monique Carr
Oil on Panel
20 x 20 inches (L x W)



Monique Carr
Oil on Canvas
36 x 36 inches (L x W)

Exotic Isle

Exotic Isle

Monique Carr
Oil on Canvas
20 x 20 inches (L x W)

Moonlight Mystery

Moonlight Mystery

Monique Carr
Oil on Panel
24 x 24 inches (L x W)

Reaching There

Reaching There

Monique Carr
Oil on Panel
12 x 12 inches (L x W)

Tropical Morning

Tropical Morning

Monique Carr
Oil on Canvas
40 x 30 inches (L x W)

Wild and Free

Wild and Free

Monique Carr
Oil on Canvas
20 x 20 inches (L x W)