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Bull VI

Bull VI

Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
48 x 56 inches (L x W)

Coral Snakes

Coral Snakes

Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
48 x 48 inches (L x W)



Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
36 x 48 inches (L x W)



Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
30 x 40 inches (L x W)



Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
50 x 203 inches (L x W)
50"H x 16' 11" W (framed)

Horse VI

Horse VI

Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
72 x 48 inches (L x W)

Mako Shark

Mako Shark

Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
24 x 66 inches (L x W)

Pelican III

Pelican III

Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
24 x 24 inches (L x W)

Watusi Bull

Watusi Bull

Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
48 x 60 inches (L x W)



Daniel McClendon
oil and acrylic on panel
36 x 72 inches (L x W)