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After A Rain

After A Rain

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
19.75 x 29.75 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Currentlt available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Dancing Waves

Dancing Waves

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
24 x 24.5 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Dawn Light

Dawn Light

Janis Sanders
Oil on Cradled Panel
20 x 20 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Island Pine

Island Pine

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
12 x 12 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Maple Candy

Maple Candy

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
24 x 24 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Maples & Sun

Maples & Sun

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
30 x 24 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Near the Shore

Near the Shore

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
24.5 x 48.25 x 1.5 inches (L x W x D)
Available August 19th as a part of Janis Sander's Solo Show at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk

Open Boathouse Sky

Open Boathouse Sky

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
24 x 24 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Rocks & Roses

Rocks & Roses

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
48 x 24 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Available August 19th as a part of Janis Sander's Solo Show at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk

Seaside Shoreline

Seaside Shoreline

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
24 x 8 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Shallows & Sun

Shallows & Sun

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
40 x 40 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Available August 19th as a part of Janis Sander's Solo Show at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk

Sun & Roses

Sun & Roses

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
36 x 36 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Available August 19th as a part of Janis Sander's Solo Show at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk

Sunlit I

Sunlit I

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
18 x 18 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Can be paired with Sunlit II & III for a Diptych or triptych effect. Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Sunlit II

Sunlit II

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
18 x 18 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Can be paired with Sunlit I and Sunlit III for a Diptych or Triptych effect. Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Sunlit III

Sunlit III

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
18 x 18 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Can be paired with Sunlit I & Sunlit II for a Diptych or a Triptych effect. Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,

Two Pines

Two Pines

Janis Sanders
Oil on Panel
12 x 12 x 1.75 inches (L x W x D)
Currently available at Maine Art Hill in Kennebunk,