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Big Horn Sheep

Big Horn Sheep

Melinda K. Hall
oil on canvas
24 x 24 inches (L x W)

By the Sea

By the Sea

Karen Bezuidenhout
acrylic on canvas
48 x 48 inches (L x W)



Ryan Hale
acrylic on canvas
36 x 60 inches (L x W)

Grandmother's Horse

Grandmother's Horse

James Koskinas
mixed media on canvas
65 x 55 inches (L x W)



Adam Rees
steel and mixed media
28 x 15 x 8 inches (L x W x D)

Holding My Own

Holding My Own

Julie Schumer
mixed media on canvas
53 x 45 inches (L x W)



Wayne Salge
cast bronze
13 x 35 x 5.75 inches (L x W x D)



Andrea Peterson
oil on canvas
36 x 60 inches (L x W)



Sherri Belassen
oil on canvas
48 x 60 inches (L x W)



Stephanie Paige
mixed media on panel
48 x 48 x 3 inches (L x W x D)



Linda Carter Holman
oil on canvas
30 x 30 inches (L x W)

Saguaro Love

Saguaro Love

Nancy Pendleton
mixed media
72 x 72 inches (L x W)

Silver Wave

Silver Wave

Ken Kasten
painted steel w/ clear coat finish
35 x 17.5 x 19 inches (L x W x D)



Jaime Ellsworth
36 x 36 inches (L x W)

The Cactus Thief

The Cactus Thief

Peggy McGivern
oil on canvas
24 x 24 inches (L x W)

The Desert Awakes

The Desert Awakes

Tierney M. Miller
oil on canvas
48 x 48 inches (L x W)

The Horse Hunter

The Horse Hunter

Jim Nelson
acrylic on panel
40 x 30 inches (L x W)

Trailing Monsoon 1

Trailing Monsoon 1

Shima Shanti
encaustic on panel
36 x 36 inches (L x W)

Wild Goose Chase

Wild Goose Chase

Sarah Webber
oil on canvas
36 x 36 inches (L x W)

Woman with Blue Moon

Woman with Blue Moon

Karen Bezuidenhout
acrylic on canvas
60 x 48 inches (L x W)