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Chair Study, Bantry House

Chair Study, Bantry House

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
8.5 x 6 inches (L x W)

Harmony in Blue and Yellow

Harmony in Blue and Yellow

Kenny Harris
oil on canvas
48 x 28.5 inches (L x W)

Interior Memory

Interior Memory

Kenny Harris
oil on canvas
12 x 10 inches (L x W)

Into The Gobelins Drawing Room, Bantry House

Into The Gobelins Drawing Room, Bantry House

Kenny Harris
oil on canvas
20 x 16 inches (L x W)

Intransigent Will (Blue Arcade, Havana)

Intransigent Will (Blue Arcade, Havana)

Kenny Harris
oil on canvas
48 x 30 inches (L x W)

Intransigent Will (Misty Red Arcade, Havana)

Intransigent Will (Misty Red Arcade, Havana)

Kenny Harris
oil on canvas
48 x 30 inches (L x W)

Lost Edges

Lost Edges

Kenny Harris
oil on canvas
16 x 20 inches (L x W)

Study for Downstairs I

Study for Downstairs I

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
9 x 6 inches (L x W)

The Blue Room, Bantry House,

The Blue Room, Bantry House,

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
9 x 12 inches (L x W)

The Blue Room, Bantry House,

The Blue Room, Bantry House,

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
36 x 24 inches (L x W)

The Gallery at Lissadell House

The Gallery at Lissadell House

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
36 x 24 inches (L x W)

The Minton Majolica Ewer

The Minton Majolica Ewer

Kenny Harris
oil on canvas
14 x 11 inches (L x W)

The Rose Drawing Room, Bantry House

The Rose Drawing Room, Bantry House

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
20 x 16 inches (L x W)

The Upstairs Rooms

The Upstairs Rooms

Kenny Harris
oil on canvas
10 x 8 inches (L x W)

To the Conservatory

To the Conservatory

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
12 x 9 inches (L x W)

To the Conservatory, Study #2

To the Conservatory, Study #2

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
12 x 8 inches (L x W)

To The Upstairs Rooms, Bantry House

To The Upstairs Rooms, Bantry House

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
18 x 14 inches (L x W)

Vaulted Space

Vaulted Space

Kenny Harris
Oil on Panel
20 x 16 inches (L x W)

Viennese Interior

Viennese Interior

Kenny Harris
oil on canvas
48 x 30 inches (L x W)