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At The Crossroads

At The Crossroads

Deepali Kapatkar
10 x 8 inches (L x W)



Deepali Kapatkar
Soft Pastel
18 x 12 inches (L x W)

Docked At Noyo Harbor

Docked At Noyo Harbor

Deepali Kapatkar
Soft Pastel
12 x 8 inches (L x W)

Grant Street

Grant Street

Deepali Kapatkar
Soft Pastel
8 x 10 inches (L x W)

Nestled Among The Lavenders

Nestled Among The Lavenders

Deepali Kapatkar
Soft Pastel
8 x 12 inches (L x W)

Point Arena Lighthouse

Point Arena Lighthouse

Deepali Kapatkar
Soft Pastel
9 x 12 inches (L x W)



Deepali Kapatkar
Soft Pastel
26 x 21 inches (L x W)

Rooftops And Awnings

Rooftops And Awnings

Deepali Kapatkar
Soft Pastel
18 x 24 inches (L x W)

Story Of The Warriors

Story Of The Warriors

Deepali Kapatkar
Soft Pastel
18 x 24 inches (L x W)

Sunset On The Lavenders

Sunset On The Lavenders

Deepali Kapatkar
Soft Pastel
8 x 12 inches (L x W)