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Against The Stream (Portrait of Danijela), 2019

Against The Stream (Portrait of Danijela), 2019

Kathrin Longhurst
Oil on Canvas
36 x 48 inches (L x W)
$7300 plus shipping from Australia.

Artist and Muse (Steven DaLuz), 2019

Artist and Muse (Steven DaLuz), 2019

Victor Wang
Oil on Canvas
60 x 48 inches (L x W)
$15,500 includes shipping to USA.

The Unicycle Muse (Jennifer Balkan- Diptych), 2020

The Unicycle Muse (Jennifer Balkan- Diptych), 2020

Anastasiya Chybireva-Fender
Oil on Aluminum Panel
56 x 52 inches (L x W)
$7000 plus shipping from Texas.