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1- Twilight Necklace

1- Twilight Necklace

Zeke Argeanas
Red abalone, Pen Shell, Kingman Turquoise, Quahog Wampum, White Clam Shell, Sinew and Cotton

2 Grandfather's Necklace

2 Grandfather's Necklace

Zeke Argeanas
Kingman, Damele, Thunderbird, and Royal Turquoise, Mediterranean Coral, While Clam shell, Mother of Pearl and Sinew

3 - Moisture's Blessings

3 - Moisture's Blessings

Zeke Argeanas
Mediterranean Coral, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise, Loluta Shell, Sinew and Cotton

4 - Zuni Man's Prayers

4 - Zuni Man's Prayers

Zeke Argeanas
Cerrillos, Sleeping Beauty, and Royston Turquoise, Red Italian Coral, Sinew

5 - Waterway Singer's Necklace

5 - Waterway Singer's Necklace

Zeke Argeanas
Sleeping Beauty, Kingman, Cerrillos, Number 8 and Lone Mountain Turquoise, Mediterranean Coral, Gold Lip Shell, White Clam Shell, Mother of Pearl, Red Spiny Oyster, Sinew and Cotton

6- Wise Man's Dream

6- Wise Man's Dream

Zeke Argeanas
Kingman and Number 8 Turquoise, Gold Lip Shell, Mother of Pearl, Serpentine, White Clamshell, Oxblood Coral, Sinew

7 - Last of the 29

7 - Last of the 29

Zeke Argeanas
Turquoise, White Clamshell, Sinew

8 - Classic Diné (Navajo) Tab Necklace

8 - Classic Diné (Navajo) Tab Necklace

Zeke Argeanas
Damele and Royston Turquoise, White Clamshell. Sinew

9 - Return of the Rainbow Warriors

9 - Return of the Rainbow Warriors

Zeke Argeanas
Cerrillos and Kingman Turquoise, White Clamshell, Abalone, Black Jet, Apple Coral and Sinew

GF Apache Warrior - Yoche

GF Apache Warrior - Yoche

Glenn Fred
Hand carved Cottonwood Root, paint

GF Basket Dancer

GF Basket Dancer

Glenn Fred
Hand carved Cottonwood Root, paint
11.5 x 2.5 inches (L x W)

GF Crow Mother

GF Crow Mother

Glenn Fred
Hand carved Cottonwood Root, paint
13 x 3.5 inches (L x W)



Glenn Fred
Hand carved Cottonwood Root, paint
12.5 x 3 inches (L x W)

GF Emerging Corn Maiden - Kaa u mana

GF Emerging Corn Maiden - Kaa u mana

Glenn Fred
Cottonwood Root, paint
10.5 x 3 inches (L x W)

GF Hopi Woman in Attire - Hopi wuh'ti

GF Hopi Woman in Attire - Hopi wuh'ti

Glenn Fred
Hand carved Cottonwood Root, paint
11.75 x 2.5 inches (L x W)

GF Snow Maiden

GF Snow Maiden

Glenn Fred
Hand carved Cottonwood Root, paint
9 x 2.25 inches (L x W)
$375 - SOLD - may be ordered

RR-1 Mother Earth Necklace

RR-1 Mother Earth Necklace

Robert Rosetta
Native American Jewelry
Shell - Tiger's Paw, Acoma Jet, Mother of Pearl, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise - 5" round Necklace : Kingman Turquoise, Spiney Oyster, Mother of Pearl - 16" long $1200

RR-2 Summer Rain

RR-2 Summer Rain

Robert Rosetta
Native American Jewelry
15 x 4.5 inches (L x W)
Shell: Kingman Turquoise, Mother of Pearl, Acoma Jet, Fox Turquoise, Pipe Stone Necklace: Stormy Mountain Nevada Turquoise, Finished off with pinshell $600

RR-3 Corn Dancer Necklace

RR-3 Corn Dancer Necklace

Robert Rosetta
Native American Jewelry
11.5 x 4 inches (L x W)
Shell: 4" : Spiny Oyster, Kingman Turquoise, Mother of Pearl, Acoma Jet Necklace: 11.5: Kingman Turquoise, Spiny Oyster, Kingman Turquoise Petals" $1800

RR-4 Pueblo Grandpa

RR-4 Pueblo Grandpa

Robert Rosetta
Native American Jewelry
Necklace: Grey Olive heishi, Prescott AZ Turquoise Petals, Spiney Oyster Petals, Lions Paw Petals $2000

RR-5 Pueblo Grandma

RR-5 Pueblo Grandma

Robert Rosetta
Native American Jewelry
Necklace: Lums Heishi Turquoise, Spiney Oyster on Kingman Turquoise $1800

RR-6 Summer Butterfly

RR-6 Summer Butterfly

Robert Rosetta
Native American Jewelry
18.5 x 3.5 inches (L x W)
Pendant: Vinyl Record, Kingman Turquoise, Acoma Jet, Red Spiney Oyster, Abalone Necklace: Lone Mountain Turquoise, Lums Heishi, Finish with 40 caliber brass bullet shell. $750

RR-7 Corn Butterfly

RR-7 Corn Butterfly

Robert Rosetta
Native American Jewelry
10 x 2.5 inches (L x W)
Pendant: Kingman Turquoise, spiny oyster, Acoma Jet, Pipe Stone, Mother of Pearl. Necklace: Lums Heishi, Lone Mountain Nuggets $175.00

RR-8 The Great Bald Eagle

RR-8 The Great Bald Eagle

Robert Rosetta
Native American Jewelry
12 x 3.5 inches (L x W)
Pendant: Vinyl Record, Cloride Prescott Turquoise, Kingman Turquoise, Acoma Jet, Syntic Red Clam Shell. $475

RR-9 Dragonfly Necklace

RR-9 Dragonfly Necklace

Robert Rosetta
Native American Jewelry
17 x 3.5 inches (L x W)
Pendant: Vinyl Record, Kingman Turquoise, Mediterranean Coral. Necklace: Melon Shell, Red Trade Beads on top. $300