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Dreaming of D.C.

Dreaming of D.C.

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
24 x 30 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

Eastern Shore Grooves

Eastern Shore Grooves

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
10 x 10 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

Every Which Way

Every Which Way

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
24 x 24 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

Potomac Crossing

Potomac Crossing

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
30 x 40 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

Richmond Skyline At Sunset

Richmond Skyline At Sunset

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
10 x 10 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

The Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
24 x 18 x 1 inches (L x W x D)

To Fly Toward A Secret Sky

To Fly Toward A Secret Sky

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
40 x 30 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

To The Moon And Back

To The Moon And Back

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
40 x 30 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

Tying The Knot

Tying The Knot

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
49 x 30 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

Where All The Veils Fall

Where All The Veils Fall

Kim VanDerHoek
Oil on panel
40 x 30 x 2 inches (L x W x D)