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Enter The Louvre

Enter The Louvre

Nadine Charlsen
30 x 40 inches (L x W)
An original watercolor painting from a solo trip to Paris for a week. 140# arches rough paper.

Milwaukee River - Iced

Milwaukee River - Iced

Nadine Charlsen
30 x 23 inches (L x W)
This original watercolor is from my photographs. I attended a convention in Milwaukee in 2009 and took a morning to walk downtown and took photos that are turning into more paintings.

Protecting Liberty

Protecting Liberty

Nadine Charlsen
23 x 30 inches (L x W)
Protecting Liberty is an original watercolor painting based on my photograph during one of my many bicycle trips along the Hudson River. #140 Arches Rough Paper

The Domino Sugar Factory and the Blue Bridge

The Domino Sugar Factory and the Blue Bridge

Nadine Charlsen
30 x 23 inches (L x W)
When I lived in NYC (31 years) I rode my bike throughout the 5 boroughs and more. This is from a photo in Brooklyn before gentrification started to happen along the East River on the Brooklyn side. This is an original painting on 140# Khadi handmade paper from India.

The Vatican and the Tiber

The Vatican and the Tiber

Nadine Charlsen
26 x 40 inches (L x W)
This watercolor is based on one of my photographs while in Rome, Italyl It is painted on 140# Arches rough paper.