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A Message from the Sun

A Message from the Sun

Mary Alayne Thomas
Encaustic Watercolor on Panel
20 x 16 inches (L x W)

A Whisper from the Night Heron

A Whisper from the Night Heron

Mary Alayne Thomas
Encaustic Watercolor on Panel
20 x 20 inches (L x W)

The Hawk Shares its Secrets

The Hawk Shares its Secrets

Mary Alayne Thomas
Encaustic Watercolor on Panel
20 x 16 inches (L x W)

The Wild Embrace

The Wild Embrace

Mary Alayne Thomas
Encaustic Watercolor on Panel
18 x 14 inches (L x W)

The Wild Wood

The Wild Wood

Mary Alayne Thomas
Encaustic Watercolor on Panel
20 x 16 inches (L x W)

Wind in the Ponderosa

Wind in the Ponderosa

Mary Alayne Thomas
Encaustic Watercolor on Panel
18 x 14 inches (L x W)