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Susan N. Jarvis
oil on panel
14 x 11 inches (L x W)
Ice cream and fudge sauce; they delight individually, they blend magnificently. The whole of the experience is greater than the sum of the ingredients. $1,275

Home Grown

Home Grown

Susan N. Jarvis
oil on panel
18 x 14 inches (L x W)
Fresh from the garden, these tomatoes and onions are destined for a salad! $1,425



Susan N. Jarvis
oil on panel
17 x 30 inches (L x W)
My mouth started to water while painting the shiny pickle relish on this hot dog. I confess I made an emergency run to Costco to buy one of their hot dogs and it was worth the trip!! $2,200

Over The Moon

Over The Moon

Susan N. Jarvis
oil on panel
36 x 36 inches (L x W)
This is a classic American treat! Perfect for breakfast, lunch or even a late-night snack. $3,850

Sea Treasure

Sea Treasure

Susan N. Jarvis
oil on panel
24 x 24 inches (L x W)
Of all the shells I picked up from the beach, I keep my favorite ones in a large glass jar. The transparency of the glass makes the shells look wet and shiny like they just came from the ocean!

Space Available"

Space Available"

Susan N. Jarvis
oil on panel
24 x 24 inches (L x W)
Painting eggs is a peaceful process for me. With their flawlessly smooth shell and soft color they are the perfect foil upon which a little humor can be thrown. You'll find their stories in my titles!

Three's The Charm

Three's The Charm

Susan N. Jarvis
oil on panel
24 x 20 inches (L x W)
Holding a Neapolitan cone in my hand as it’s chocolate, strawberry and vanilla flavors melted in drips down my fingers was a favorite memory. My mother used to buy the ice cream in a large plastic bucket that a handle and our family of nine could go through it in a week! I have classic memories of scraping the bottom with a large metal spoon and licking it clean as I lifted out the last few bites. $3,250

Today's Special

Today's Special

Susan N. Jarvis
oil on panel
12 x 24 inches (L x W)
As a an adult living in Southern California a family favorite was an afternoon at the beach that began with a visit to Crab Cooker to buy chilled crab meat for lunch. We didn't use plates, we just piled our crab high onto leaves of lettuce, poured cocktail sauce over it, and feasted! I was hungry for chilled crab meat every moment I was painting this. $2,150