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A monthly magazine specially written for collectors, galleries and painters of traditional fine art. Every month you'll have the opportunity to promote your upcoming shows to Collectors nationwide, before the shows even open.
Unique Editorial Content
The magazine's unique editorial format features previews of what major artists are painting for sale at their upcoming shows. Because each monthly issue is in collectors’ hands the month before the show, buyers are able to contact the galleries before the shows even open!
Advertise in one prestige monthly magazine designed to help you market the work of living traditional artists to collectors nationwide.
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Maximize Visibility for Your Shows
in one National Magazine!
American Art Collector magazine is the "must read" magazine that will
help you sell more.

Of our audience also reads the digital version
*Statistics taken from American Art Collector’s Spring 2014 Readers Survey.
Widen Your Reach!
Whether your gallery sells coast to coast, or in a specific art destination, now you can advertise in one prestige monthly magazine, and reach more Collectors every month.
National Coverage
Unique national coverage means Collectors can see what's for sale in the major art destinations, coast to coast.
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