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Kari Visscher
Oil on Canvas
12 x 9 x 1 inches (L x W x D)
There is a tension that exists between physicians and the government. Denied the right to binding arbitration and job action, some physicians advocate for their profession with peaceful protests. This painting depicts one of the first rallies held at Queen's Park in Toronto, Ontario.

Breast Biopsy

Breast Biopsy

Kari Visscher
Oil on Canvas
12 x 9 x 1 inches (L x W x D)
Radiologists are essential to breast care. We screen, detect and biopsy breast lesions. This painting depicts a stereotactic guided breast biopsy in the mammography suite.



Kari Visscher
Oil on Canvas
12 x 9 x 1 inches (L x W x D)
Prior to any procedure a Radiologist performs there must be a clear communication and discussion about the risks and benefits. This painting depicts the intimacy that can transpire between a radiologist and patient during one of these discussions.



Kari Visscher
Oil on Canvas
12 x 9 x 1 inches (L x W x D)
Radiologist's are described as being the doctor's doctor. We provide diagnoses based on imaging findings that help other doctors manage patient care. This painting is a self-portrait depicting the process of using what I know with what I see to determine what is happening inside of my patient. It is like being a detective searching for clues to solve a case.



Kari Visscher
Oil on Linen
36 x 24 x 2 inches (L x W x D)
This portrait is symbolic of all the healthcare workers who have been relentless in providing care throughout this pandemic despite not always being properly protected. It comes from a place of sadness for the disproportionate number of healthcare workers who have been infected. It comes from a place of disappointment knowing we have the knowledge of how to stay safe but did not always have the supples to be safe. This is a tragedy and sacrifice that I don't want people to forget. The left hand gesture is a symbol used in religious imagery to indicate something important is being said. The mask is the pivotal piece of protection we are asking for. The background is the hot mess of COVID juxtaposed by the cooling of the medical uniform. The coat wore like a cape hinting at the "hero" mantra used during this fight.

Hope for Emma

Hope for Emma

Kari Visscher
Oil on Canvas
129 x 9 x 1 inches (L x W x D)
Radiologists work with people of all ages. This painting depicts a moment when a Radiologist is working with an ultrasonographer to determine if baby Emma's treatment to fix her hips has been successful.



Kari Visscher
Oil on Canvas
12 x 9 x 1 inches (L x W x D)
Mentorship is a cornerstone in the process of becoming a physician. Learning medicine is a long arduous journey that involves as much self-discovery as it does studying facts. Having trusted mentors to offer advice in navigating the nuances, offer encouragement, and provide extra teaching is invaluable. This piece depicts one such mentor gently guiding a resident physician while doing a chest biopsy of a patient in the CT suite.

Multidisciplinary Rounds

Multidisciplinary Rounds

Kari Visscher
Oil on Canvas
12 x 9 x 1 inches (L x W x D)
Multidisciplinary rounds are important for patient management. Radiologists are often involved in these rounds to discuss imaging findings and differential diagnoses. This painting depicts a multidisciplinary round with Respirologists and residents watching the radiologists at the front of the room discuss imaging findings a patient's chest CT.



Kari Visscher
Oil on Canvas
129 x 9 x 1 inches (L x W x D)
Illness can sometimes create an alternative reality through which one can feel like a sojourner. This piece depicts an important moment in a breast cancer thriver's journey where she has completed months of chemotherapy and is now getting out the device used to administer the treatments which was surgically implanted into her chest.

Vanilla Shake

Vanilla Shake

Kari Visscher
Oil on Canvas
12 x 9 x 1 inches (L x W x D)
Working with youth is an especially important area in Radiology not only because improving kids health is paramount but also because it is especially difficult. It requires high vigilance to radiation safety, a specialized knowledge of pediatrics and an environment that conveys comfort despite underlying fears. This painting is of a young girl getting a test that requires her to drink a vanilla shake mixed with barium while a Radiologist watches how the barium moves from her mouth to the intestines.