1516 E CYPRESS STPhoenix, AZ 85006-1729
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2/1/2023 - 2/28/2023
A Beautiful Choice
Watercolor with mixed media accents
20 x 16 inches (L x W)
This artwork is an illustration to Andersen's fairy tale "The little Mermaid". This is an amazing story of incredible sacrificial love. True love can leave behind everything you're used to. True love can leave home, family, luxury and wealth. It can leave a world where everything is clear and familiar to serve the one whom he loves with all your heart. True love has hope, but it does not require it. The girl easily touches the ground, and her face will never tell us how much pain her body is experiencing. She has a dream that will never come true. But she is ready to accept everything. She is ready to sacrifice her happiness for the happiness of her beloved. Waves as a symbol of our feelings and emotions. But her face is calm and peaceful. She is smiling. A difficult choice is made.

A Bull Finch
Watercolor with mixed media accents
20 x 16 inches (L x W)
A Bullfinch is a symbol of winter, snow, cleanliness and, oddly enough, fire. "Fiery" is the Latin name of this bird. It is also believed that the bullfinch is a symbol of perseverance, determination and hope. Painted in 2021.

A Melody of the Lilac Winds
Watercolor with mixed media accents
20 x 16 inches (L x W)
Our dreams are like springtime. They burst into our lives like a fresh wind. Each movement has its own melody. Everything around is filled with music. It is an incredible hymn of life.

10 x 10 inches (L x W)
Original painting by Okcaha on 10in x 10in canvas. Shipped from Ukraine.

Beta Fish
8 x 8 inches (L x W)
Original painting by Okcaha P, 8inx8in

Blooming Mystery
Watercolor with mixed media accents
20 x 16 inches (L x W)
The inner beauty is like a wild garden. Not everyone is destined to look inside. There everything is intertwined in an amazing and colorful world. Thorny plants are next to the noble roses. Tall trees tower over the tiny plants. The air is filled with the aroma of herbs and flowers there. There are many unsolved mysteries in this garden. Now this garden is filled with peace and quiet. I want to share this beauty with you. Shipped from Baltic Sea.

10 x 10 inches (L x W)
Original painting by Okcaha, on 10in x 10in canvas. Shipped from Ukraine.

Diving, Tropical Ocean
Oil pastels Acrylic Silver leaf on Canvas
24 x 28 inches (L x W)
inspired by the work of diver friends to restore dying coral reefs off the coast of Sri Lanka. This painting was created on the shore of the Indian Ocean. Shipped from Sri Lanka.

Factory-My Diary series
13 x 11 inches (L x W)
Original painting by Prasadani from her "My Diary" series. Shipped from Sri Lanka

Flash Dance
24 x 20 x 2 inches (L x W x D)
Original acrylic painting, by Andy, in a floating frame. Shipped from U.K.

Gold Saraph
10 x 8 inches (L x W)
Original Painting by Katrel on 10in x 8in canvas. Available for viewing, purchase or shipping - Phoenix GalleryCoronado

Golden Glow of the Sea
Watercolor with mixed media
16 x 13 inches (L x W)
When lights tunnel dark depth of the sea, we can see an incredible world filled with golden radiance andĀ amazingĀ color.

Highland Honey
Fairly large painting. Not sure of the exact size, but at least 20in x 20in.

Mixed Media
17 x 24 inches (L x W)
Original Painting by Prageeth from his Humanscape series. Shipped from Sri Lanka.

I Want to Dance, and Just Look Around(set)
Engraved and Painted
27 x 27 x 0.75 inches (L x W x D)
Original Paintings by Mihoko Maier. Famous Hawaiian jazz artist. Painted and engraved on wood. Large painting is, "I Want to Dance", and is 27in x 27in x .75in. Smaller paintings are, "Just look around"(set) and are 12inx12in x 2.25in; sides are painted too. Available for viewing, shipping or pickup in Phoenix.

Laffy Taffy
11 x 14 inches (L x W)
Original painting by Barbara from here, "Life is Sweet", series. Shipped from Phoenix, AZ.

Marker on cardboard
40 x 30 inches (L x W)
Markers on art board. Free shipping or available for pickup or viewing in Phoenix GalleryCoronado (by Appt). Rough edges/corners,

Man - Humanscape
Painted canvas over fiber glass
72 x 18 x 15 inches (L x W x D)
Six-foot, 3D, sculpture, by Prageeth from his Humanscape series. Shipped from Sri Lanka.

Oil on Canvas
24 x 30 inches (L x W)
Meeting of the Minds - 3 Bison - Oil 24inx30in, Free shipping to U.S. locations from Phoenix, Arizona, USA. 60"x48" Available for pickup or viewing in Phoenix, Arizona.

Oil Pastel drawing, 8 x 11.5 (minus about 1/4 inch white edge on left 1/8" on right.
11.5 x 8 inches (L x W)
Sri Lanka Artist. Art is available for shipment, viewing & purchase in Phoenix (GalleryCoronado), 1516 E. Cypress St. by Appt. Also available - original or print on

Purple Rayne
48 x 48 inches (L x W)
Original painting by Barbara on 48inx48in canvas. Shipped from Phoenix, AZ.

24 x 18 inches (L x W)
acrylic on canvas stretched over wood edge. Shipped from U.S.

Rainy Night
8 x 8 inches (L x W)
Original painting by Okcaha, on 8in x 8in canvas. Shipped from Ukraine.

Springtime in the Country
Watercolor with mixed media accents
20 x 16 inches (L x W)
Is there anything lovelier or more wonderful than springtime in the country? This is the most charming time of the year when everything comes back to life. We are surrounded by unique gentle scents of nature. All nature in soft pastel colors. People go out for spring walks more often. Spring fills every resident with a good mood and high feelings. We want to be happy, live and love. Spring is the time of flowering. Spring gives us its tender and lively beauty. New colors, sounds and smells fill our hearts and inspire us. We think that we are in a fairy tale!

Tango Nights
Susan's Sculptures
Fiber Clay
Fiber clay sculpture, 3D, couple dancing together, all of sue's sculptures have red boots. Shipped from Phoenix, AZ.

The First Drops of Rain
Watercolor with mixed media accents
20 x 16 inches (L x W)
The first drops of rain begin to fall from the sky. These drops are so timid and indecisive that it seems they will soon pass. But the air is already filled with a strong fragrance of herbs and flowers. The colors and shades of the foliage becomes thick and rich. Here's a passerby speeding up her pace. These raindrops are little signs that soon streams of water are coming from heaven. This is inevitable. But the rain will stop as suddenly as it started. One day, it will remain only in our memories. Shipped flat from Baltic Sea area.

The Wave
Colored pencils
12 x 16 inches (L x W)
Original drawing by Rasika of beautiful Utah canyon. Shipped or available for viewing or pickup in Phoenix.

30 x 40 inches (L x W)
Original painting by Barbara on 30in x 40in canvas. Available for pickup or shipped from Phoenix, AZ. Barbara has stopped painting.

Wind of Rapid Change
Watercolor with mixed media accents
20 x 16 inches (L x W)
Autumn sums up the results. Before everything changes, before the earth is shrouded in ice, nature whirls in an incredible dance of leaves, flowers, birds and herbs. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.