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Artist Kitty

Artist Kitty

Mixed Media
24 x 12 inches (L x W)
“The dreamer, the artist. He is also messy, as promised. A flute of champagne, a strawberry, and a bouffant croissant. What more could he want? His paints and his city of Paris, you see. And, of course, to be joined by Souris.”

Aviator Kitty

Aviator Kitty

Mixed Media
24 x 12 inches (L x W)
“Aviator, Kitty. He is astute; he is aware. He’s off duty now, so he hasn’t a care. Stepping down from his Stearman with his bird pal “Captain Red,” who an Old Fashioned would recommend.”

Black & White Mod

Black & White Mod

Mixed Media
48 x 30 inches (L x W)
“It’s black and it’s white, yet brings such delight. A feeling of yesteryear, an energy of mod. My hope is that you too will be awed.”

Flowers of Red

Flowers of Red

Mixed Media
48 x 30 inches (L x W)
“Flowers of Red was born in my head. One night an esteemed ancestor came to me in a dream. She spoke of working together as a team. The gold represents her light, and as an artist, allowing my dreams to take flight.” I dedicate this work to my late Great Aunt Rosanne. (1952-2021) Rosanne was a plant genius and expert in floral arrangements. A woman who understood the precious magic of flowers. She was also a master painter and I could feel her with me for the over 200 hours it took to complete this piece. When I was a child Rosanne was always kind to me. Almost as if she could really sense the creativity that wanted to burst out of my little budding-artist body. I loved that she sometimes called things “Whoosie-Whatzsits” when she couldn’t remember the name of something. It made me giggle every time. In the 90s she used to drive me around in her Mazda Miata convertible when visiting from Arizona blasting “Ace of Base.” I thought I was SO cool to be sitting next to her. Rosanne was joyous and I will never forget her laugh or her voice. I believe my love for flowers came from Rosanne’s vulnerability in sharing her passion with me at such a young age. I love you Rosanne and am honored to feel your presence with me as I create.

Flowers of White

Flowers of White

Mixed Media
48 x 30 inches (L x W)
“Creating Flowers of White never felt more right. Attention to detail is what makes me feel settled. Every curve, of all 87 petals.”

Rainbow Mod

Rainbow Mod

Mixed Media
48 x 30 inches (L x W)
“Since childhood, I’ve loved all the colors of the rainbow. Using this palette is what keeps me inflow. Orange, red, yellow, purple, blue, green. The magic of color is what helps me feel seen.”

Rose Kitty

Rose Kitty

Mixed Media
24 x 12 inches (L x W)
“Sitting on her rose, she is patient and composed. Skilled at staying still, she waits for her next thrill. With a snap of her tail, just like that! A happy kitty, a happy cat.”

Space Kitty

Space Kitty

Mixed Media
24 x 12 inches (L x W)
“Space Kitty prefers a slower pace and is not in the race to outer space. Join him on an atomic rocket for a 2-olive martini. He will also introduce you to his mouse pal, “Houdini.”

The Waves, The Flow

The Waves, The Flow

Mixed Media
48 x 30 inches (L x W)
“The waves, the flow. No choice but to grow. Building and crashing over and over. Gifting us the lesson on how to move slower.”

Tiki Kitty

Tiki Kitty

Mixed Media
24 x 12 inches (L x W)
“Tiki Kitty. She is subtle; she is sneaky. Sitting on the bar— a snack is her wish. With a flick of her tail, it’s granted with a fish.”