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Autumn's End

Autumn's End

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil and Acrylic on Linen
30 x 24 inches (L x W)

Cove at Yellowstone Lake

Cove at Yellowstone Lake

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Canvas
36 x 36 inches (L x W)

Cypress with Spanish Moss

Cypress with Spanish Moss

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Birch Panel
8 x 16 inches (L x W)

Entering Yellowstone

Entering Yellowstone

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Canvas
36 x 36 inches (L x W)

Fall Stillness

Fall Stillness

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Linen
14 x 11 inches (L x W)

Forest Floor

Forest Floor

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Aluminum
10 x 20 inches (L x W)

Full Moon

Full Moon

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Canvas
30 x 36 inches (L x W)

Geyser at Norris Basin

Geyser at Norris Basin

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Canvas
30 x 30 inches (L x W)



Matthew J. Cutter
Acrylic on Canvas
36 x 72 inches (L x W)
Award of Merit - NOAPS 2019 Spring Online International Exhibition, May 2019 | Honorable Mention - ISAP 10th Annual Open International Online Exhibition, May 2019

Mountain Runoff

Mountain Runoff

Matthew J. Cutter
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 16 inches (L x W)

Nature as Sculptor

Nature as Sculptor

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Linen
48 x 60 inches (L x W)
Found just south of my home, Washington Oaks State Park features these unusual geological formations of water-worn coquina rock.

Ocean Surge

Ocean Surge

Matthew J. Cutter
Acrylic on Panel
11 x 12 inches (L x W)
Outstanding Acrylic, Bold Brush Painting Competition, July 2018

Ocean Waves

Ocean Waves

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Linen
12 x 12 inches (L x W)

Rolling Waves

Rolling Waves

Matthew J. Cutter
Acrylic on Panel
12 x 16 inches (L x W)
Outstanding Acrylic - Bold Brush Painting Competition, June 2019



Matthew J. Cutter
Acrylic on Crescent Board
15 x 20 inches (L x W)
“What struck me about the building, other than the dramatic sunlight and the ability to use warm and cool versions of white, was that it seemed to mark the passing of time. The building seemed like it was once very much alive and a part of the community, but it had fallen into disrepair. I actually find that type of thing quite beautiful. I was quite happy with the end result, juxtaposing warms and cools, darks against lights, and hopefully pulling out an emotional connection for the viewer.” - Matthew Cutter | Best of Show - National Acrylic & Oil Painters’ Society Best of America Juried Exhibition, September 2019 | Best Acrylic - Plein Air Salon Competition, June/July 2019

Shadow Patterns

Shadow Patterns

Matthew J. Cutter
Acrylic on Linen
24 x 36 inches (L x W)

Spearfish Creek

Spearfish Creek

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Canvas
36 x 24 inches (L x W)

Swamp Maple and Cedars

Swamp Maple and Cedars

Matthew J. Cutter
Oil on Linen
20 x 20 inches (L x W)

Tide Pools

Tide Pools

Matthew J. Cutter
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 36 inches (L x W)

Wave Patterns

Wave Patterns

Matthew J. Cutter
Acrylic on Canvas
18 x 18 inches (L x W)